My NOSTIC is your personal mobile application for training, challenges and connection with your pharmacy.The process to use it is very simple and it will always be free.Through My NOSTIC, all staff who work in a community pharmacy office will receive practical advice that will help them improve in their work, they will also have access to courses and challenges that will enhance their qualities to the maximum and promote both personal and professional development.Generally the advice will be captured in videos of about 4 or 5 minutes. For watching the video and / or completing the challenges or courses, you will receive points that will help you get certified, that is, that will identify you according to your degree of pharmaceutical care. Recognizing your work and valuing yourself is the best award you can have.My NOSTIC is an application for individual use by technicians, assistants, assistant pharmacists and regular pharmacists. As a personal tool, the awards received for using it are individual. It is useful, it is interesting, it is entertaining, it does not take time away from working hours, it improves the care service provided to patients and it values and recognizes users for its use. It is the user who decides which challenges to participate in and where and when to use the application.Why is it interesting to participate? For the content and prizes:You can access each of the challenges, courses and training with a simple click to see its description.But My Nostic is much more:My NOSTIC has a space where you can be informed of the latest news and information published by the main institutions and media in the sector.Courses: in this section, in addition to the courses of your tool at the pharmacy counter, you will find an offer of useful online courses for you taught by different companies and institutions. My Nostic is not responsible for the courses, it only informs you of the existing offer.Capsules: in this section you have at your disposal video advice and resources in different formats on pathologies, on healthy lifestyle habits and on medicines or other products that will help you in your day to day at the counter.Challenges: You will have challenges available to complete on different actions that you can carry out at the counter, testing your skills at the counter and making you grow day by day.